Helping participants to be more independent, productive, and connected to achieve their goals.

Basic Housekeeping and Domestic Duties

Most dependent seniors who live at home need help with domestic duties. For example, an elderly loved one may have trouble keeping up with the physical demands of household chores like vacuuming, changing the bed linens, and taking out the garbage. Or they may worry that even basic housekeeping could lead to a fall or overexertion. Or perhaps cognitive impairment is making it difficult to maintain a regular cleaning schedule.

With basic housekeeping and domestic services, your elderly loved one can enjoy the sense of well-being that comes from living in a clean, safe, and organised home. Hiring household help for seniors can make a tremendous difference and enable your loved one with domestic care  to live independently at home for as long as possible.

Assistance with NDIS Daily Activities in Melbourne

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) plays a crucial role in improving the daily living of individuals with disabilities. Through its comprehensive range of disability support services, the NDIS aims to enhance independence and promote a higher quality of life for participants. One key aspect of this is the focus on assisting individuals in their daily activities.

By providing tailored support and funding options, the NDIS empowers participants to engage in a variety of daily activities that are essential for independent living. These activities encompass various aspects such as personal care, household tasks, community engagement, and recreational pursuits.

Obtain Home Care Assistance In Melbourne from Our Experienced and Qualified Support Workers

Experience how Careon facilitates NDIS improved daily living through its emphasis on supporting participants in their day-to-day activities. We will delve into the different ways in which individuals can access assistance and funding for these activities under the NDIS framework. From personal care assistance to accessing community programs and resources, we will highlight how the NDIS enhances opportunities for individuals with disabilities to lead fulfilling lives.

Join us as we explore the transformative impact of NDIS on improving daily living through its provision of comprehensive support services tailored to individual needs. Discover how participants can avail themselves of various resources and programs designed to promote independence and enhance overall well-being.

How Can Our Melbourne NDIS Daily Activities Assistance Help You?

When it comes to receiving assistance with NDIS daily activities, choosing the right service provider is crucial. That’s where Careon Services shines as a trusted and reliable option.

At Careon Services, we understand the importance of having competent and compassionate support workers who can help you navigate your NDIS journey. Our team consists of highly trained professionals who are dedicated to providing exceptional care and support tailored to your individual needs.

One of the key advantages of choosing Careon Services is our commitment to creating a personalised care plan for each client. We believe that every individual is unique and deserves a tailored approach when it comes to their NDIS daily activities. Our experienced team will work closely with you to develop a comprehensive plan that addresses your specific goals and requirements.

Our support workers are not only skilled but also empathetic individuals who genuinely care about improving the quality of life for those we serve. They are well-versed in assisting with a wide range of NDIS daily activities such as personal hygiene, meal preparation, transportation, household chores, and more.

Furthermore, at Careon Services, we pride ourselves on our transparent communication and accountability. We strive to keep you informed every step of the way and ensure that all services provided align with your expectations.

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The NDIS Daily Activities in Melbourne that we provide include the following:

You can count on us to provide personalised care supports. Personal care support may be required across a variety of settings. For example, a participant living alone in their own home, living with family or other people, when undertaking social, recreational, education or employment activities or during holidays away from home. 

Examples of which are the following:

  • homecare assistance from our experienced and qualified support workers
  • personal hygiene, including showering, bathing, oral hygiene, dressing and grooming;
  • toileting, bladder and bowel management and menstrual care;
  • eating and drinking;
  • attending appointments;
  • use of aids and appliances, hearing and communication devices;
  • mobility and transferring, for example moving in and out of bed and on or off the toilet; or
  • application of splints, basic first aid due to injuries sustained as a result of a participant’s disability.


This part of the NDIS plan may include assistance with or supervision of daily living activities such as: Personal hygiene activities, such as showering, oral hygiene, or dressing. Management of bladder and bowel functions, drinking and eating, being able to get in and out of bed with ease.

NDIS funds support for social and recreational activities, which means one will receive more assistance for disabilities that may prevent someone from participating. Visits to friends and family can be a part of social and recreational activities.

Personal care supports include assistance with, or supervision of, daily tasks of daily living. For example:

  • personal hygiene, including bathing, oral hygiene, dressing, showering, and grooming;
  • toileting, bladder and bowel management and menstrual care;
  • eating and drinking;
  • appointments;
  • use of hearing and communication devices, aids and appliances,;
  • transferring and mobility, such as moving in and out of bed and on or off the toilet; or
  • application of basic first aid due to injuries sustained as a result of a participant’s disability.

Activities of daily living (ADLs) are a list of general activities essential for one to function and live independently in a household. The six standard ADLs are commonly recognised as dressing, toileting, bathing, transferring (getting in and out of bed or chair), eating, and continence.

We are here to empower you on your journey towards greater well-being.